Our Milestones

Our Milestones

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  1. Incorporated Varutra Consulting, Launched KALP Knowledge Sharing Platform, Started Corporate Training Offerings


  2. Launched Innovative applications MVD & OWASP KALP, Initiated Trainings and Workshops for Educational Institutions


  3. Certified as CERT-In Empanelled Auditor, Launched Managed Security Services (SOC) Offerings


  4. Launched MASTS – Mobile Application Security Testing Suite


  5. Listed in Gartner Market Guide for MASTS Enterprise product


  6. Varutra Consulting acquired by Infoshare Systems Inc. USA, Activated Cyber Security operations from California, Indianapolis & Hyderabad


  7. Listed in Gartner Market Guide for VAPT Services, Started Infoshare Varutra New office at Pune and Mumbai locations


  8. Varutra Earned ISO 27001:2013 Certification, Launched Cyber Threat Post Advisory portal and Varutra new website


  9. Awarded as a Topmost Thriving Entrepreneurs to Follow – 2021

    “Cybersecurity Excellence Awards 2021 – Gold Winner” in the “Fastest Growing Cybersecurity Company – North America”


  10. CERT-In Empaneled Organization in Year 2016


Thank you for helping us to get here.

Words aren’t enough to express our gratitude to our customers who trusted us from the very beginning.
Let’s connect to achieve more.

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