Vulnerability Disclosure

What Makes Penetration Testing Impactful – Post Exploitation

As a penetration tester, we often come across this riddle – What Makes Penetration Testing Really Impactful. As per penetration…

7 years ago

Beware Android Users – CLOAK AND DAGGER is here to exploit you

The WORLD has still not got over with the WannaCry ransomware menace and here comes one more android ransomware -…

7 years ago

Buffer Overflow Attacks

Introduction to Buffer Overflow Buffer is a storage place in memory where data can be stored. It’s mostly bound in…

7 years ago

Shellshock-Security Patching Aftermath

On September 24th 2014, a publicly disclosed vulnerability was revealed in the UNIX/Linux which we have discussed in our blog…

10 years ago

Shell Shock – The Bash Vulnerability

BASH (Baurne Again Shell) Bash is the shell, or command language interpreter, that will appear in the GNU operating system.…

10 years ago

VoIP Penetration Testing Part – III

In the previous tutorial VoIP Penetration Testing Part-II  we have learnt on how to do scanning against VoIP Server. In…

10 years ago

VoIP Penetration Testing Part-II

In the previous tutorial VoIP Penetration Testing Part-I we have learnt on how to do Information Gathering/ Footprinting using Google…

10 years ago

VoIP Penetration Testing Part -I

Abstract               Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has seen rapid implementation over the past few years. Most of the organizations which…

10 years ago

How secure is my LinkedIn account ?

LinkedIn is a business-oriented Social networking service. One purpose of the sites is to allow registered users to maintain a…

10 years ago