Mobile Application Security

Root Detection Bypass Vulnerabilities: A Crucial Aspect of Mobile App Security

Introduction In today's interconnected world, where smartphones are an extension of our lives, ensuring the security of mobile applications is…

9 months ago

Application Security: Risks and Best Practices

Applications play a crucial role in our lives as we use them for various useful purposes, ranging from shopping, interacting…

3 years ago

Android Weak Host Validation

In this blog we are going to discuss about android weak host validation and see how android application is not…

3 years ago

Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)

Since the threat landscape in the software development ecosystem is ever-evolving, we need to reconsider the security controls used throughout…

3 years ago


Android applications are now an integral part of our lives, thanks to the excessive use of mobile phones. However, many…

3 years ago

Intro to GraphQL – Attack Scenarios

Introduction GraphQL is one of the commonly used open-source manipulation and data query language for APIs, and runtime for implementing…

3 years ago

Attacking Android Components – Content Providers

In this blog, I’ll be showing you how we can exploit the Attacking Android Components based content providers vulnerability.  …

3 years ago

DROZER – Android Security Assessment Framework

Drozer is a framework for Android security assessments developed by MWR Labs. It is one of the best Android security…

3 years ago

Best Practices – BYOD and Mobile Device Security

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is a practice where employees can bring their own devices such as laptops, tablets or…

5 years ago

Code Obfuscation

Abstract In this paper, we came up with a basic understanding of Code Obfuscation - A Code Protection Technology which…

5 years ago