Data Leakage

Security Advisory – Saipem Cyber Attack by Shamoon Malware

Saipem Cyber Attack by Shamoon Malware 1. Introduction Saipem identified cyber-attack on Monday i.e. on 10th December 2018 that had…

5 years ago

Security Advisory- MEGA Chrome Extension Hijack

What is MEGA? MEGA is a cloud storage and file hosting service offered by Mega Limited, a New Zealand-based company.…

6 years ago

Threat Advisory Report on Petya Ransomware (Critical Severity)

Threat Advisory Report on Petya Ransomware Attack (Critical Severity) Ransomware: An Introduction Ransomware is a form of malicious software that…

7 years ago

Introduction to Secure Software Development Life Cycle

The most effective way to reduce application security risk is to implement a formal development process that includes security best…

9 years ago

Adobe Flash Player Zero Day Attacks Found In Hacking Team Data Leaked

Hacking Team is a Milan-based information technology company that sells offensive intrusion and surveillance capabilities to governments, law enforcement agencies…

9 years ago

Better Secure Than Sorry! Neglected, Assumed and Hence Vulnerable Menace: Password Attacks

On July 16, 1998, CERT reported an incident where an attacker had found 186,126 encrypted passwords. By the time they…

10 years ago

Social Engineering and How It Helped Us Find A Mole

Social Engineering is essentially the art of influencing some person into doing things that 
he may or may not do willingly.…

11 years ago