Case Study

Mobile Application Security Assessment – Proxying for Windows Phone

While conducting mobile application security assessment of Windows Phone capturing application traffic will allow penetration tester to modify the traffic…

10 years ago

CSRF Vulnerability on LinkedIn

In previous blog we have seen a critical vulnerability in LinkedIn password reset module allowing an attackers to compromise LinkedIn…

10 years ago

Better Secure Than Sorry! Neglected, Assumed and Hence Vulnerable Menace: Password Attacks

On July 16, 1998, CERT reported an incident where an attacker had found 186,126 encrypted passwords. By the time they…

10 years ago

How secure is my LinkedIn account ?

LinkedIn is a business-oriented Social networking service. One purpose of the sites is to allow registered users to maintain a…

10 years ago

Social Engineering and How It Helped Us Find A Mole

Social Engineering is essentially the art of influencing some person into doing things that 
he may or may not do willingly.…

11 years ago

Bug Bounty : An Introduction

What exactly is Bug Bounty ? In the Wild West, when outlaws roamed the land, local sheriffs did not have…

11 years ago

Insecure URL redirection in Google+

Our team identified a vulnerability in Google+ (Google Plus) service which can be used to perform malicious insecure URL redirection…

11 years ago

Proxying HTTP/HTTPS traffic on android

Proxying HTTP/HTTPS traffic on android - There are several stages to perform thorough penetration testing on android based application including…

11 years ago

Hacking Google account through Locked Android Devices

Hacking Google account through Locked Android Devices Varutra revealed an issue in the text message notification implementation of Google’s Android…

11 years ago