Android Security

Common Challenges In Android Penetration Testing

Android penetration testing is a crucial aspect of ensuring the security of Android applications and devices. As the popularity and…

11 months ago

Android Pentesting Using Frida

In this blog, we were going to see what Frida is and how to set it up in our systems.…

2 years ago

Using SecLists for Penetration Testing

Introduction to SecLists Seclists is something that comes very handy to a pen tester. The simple reason is, it has…

2 years ago

Android Weak Host Validation

In this blog we are going to discuss about android weak host validation and see how android application is not…

3 years ago


Android applications are now an integral part of our lives, thanks to the excessive use of mobile phones. However, many…

3 years ago

Android Penetration Testing with Drozer

Introduction to Android Application Security Testing Framework - Drozer: Drozer is an android application security testing framework which is developed…

3 years ago

Attacking Android Components – Content Providers

In this blog, I’ll be showing you how we can exploit the Attacking Android Components based content providers vulnerability.  …

3 years ago

DROZER – Android Security Assessment Framework

Drozer is a framework for Android security assessments developed by MWR Labs. It is one of the best Android security…

3 years ago


When we think of asset security, at the first glance it looks pretty simple. After all, what is the big…

3 years ago

Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR)

Cybersecurity Synopsis For almost every organization, either large or small-scale, performing incident response is an endless job and to tackle…

3 years ago