Categories: Viruses & Malware

Adware – New Age Weapon

Are you seeing ads every time while browsing the web and it is asking you to install software or enter personal details? Clicking on links takes you to weird websites or enclosable windows? Your computer is slowing down, and the browser is unresponsive?

If you are facing any of these issues, then there is a chance that your device may be infected with adware.


Let us first understand what is Adware?

Adware is a type of malware that is known as advertisement-supported software. It automatically generates banner ads, display ads, in-text links or sometimes flashing pop-up windows. Most adware forms are perfectly safe but some are annoying which creates a way for malicious programs. Adware is used to collect personal information and other data from computers and mobile. This virus is considered as a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP), which means it is installed without permission from the user.


Learn How to Spot Adware?

There are many ways to recognize that your device is infected with adware by checking some of the below symptoms:

  • Your browser’s homepage changed unknowingly.
  • The appearance of unfamiliar ads, extensions, toolbars, and applications on your web browser.
  • Slowing down, unresponsive, and crashing your web browser.
  • When you click to visit one website you are redirected to some other website.
  • Clicking anywhere on-page leads to a new pop-up window or ads getting opened.


How to Protect Yourself from Adware?

Not all types of adware are malicious, but prevention is always better than cure.

  • Be Cautious – Like real-world be always cautious of anything unusual & unknown and treat it as a potential risk in the digital world also. Hackers can infect you with adware from anything. Do not click on any suspicious ads or notifications. Always read terms before installing any software to avoid installing any accompanying potentially unwanted application(PUA). Download from trusted and reputable sources only.
  • Keep Software Updated – Software providers consistently find vulnerabilities and provide updates to fix them, so keep your system up to date on your device. Also, outdated systems are at high risk for adware vulnerability.
  • Use Ad-blocker Extension – Many ad blockers are easily available which will avoid displaying the ads on a browser and which removes the chance of clicking on malicious ad links.
  • Enable Safety Feature – You can enable safety precautions like pop-up blocks on your device to protect yourself from adware. Install valid antivirus and scan systems on daily basis. Another way is to keep your system’s firewall activated.



Removing it from your device has no fixed recipe as some can be removed simply by uninstalling the extension or restarting your device or browser.





However, all the above-mentioned precautions ensure that a reputable Cyber Security program for your device is in place. Further don’t forget to scan frequently, and keep your system up to date to browse safely as well as confidently. Strong cybersecurity program acts as commanders that protect cyber-castle.

For related assistance, you can visit or reach us at



Hrushikesh Chaudhari

Marketing Department

Varutra Consulting Pvt. Ltd.


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