
Google updated Chrome 115 on August 2, 2023, fixing 17 vulnerabilities, 11 of which were found by independent researchers who also received a total of $123,000 in bug bounty rewards. Version 115.0.5790.170 of Chrome is now available for Mac and Linux, and versions 115.0.5790.170/.171 of Chrome are available for Windows. The upgrades address three critical type confusion issues in the V8 JavaScript and WebAssembly engines, two of which are listed as CVE-2023-4068 and CVE-2023-4070 and were found by researchers going by the name "Jerry," who was paid $43,000 for their research. Similar to this, GitHub researchers Man Yue Mo discovered the CVE-2023-4069 type confusion flaw and received a $21,000 award. In addition, the Chrome update fixes six additional high-level flaws, including a critical one (CVE-2023-4071), a heap buffer overflow flaw in Visuals, an out-of-bounds memory access vulnerability in the ANGLE graphics engine abstraction layer (CVE-2023-4073), and the WebGL out-of-bounds read and write vulnerability (CVE-2023-4072). Furthermore, high-severity security flaws known as "use-after-free" vulnerabilities in WebRTC, Cast, and Blink have been fixed. Additionally, the latest version of Chrome resolves two medium-severity Extension issues, including an incorrect implementation and inadequate data validation problems.